Marko Milić is a dance and multimedia artist renowned for his thought-provoking works that explore the physical manifestations of pleasure and the impact of overwhelming experiences on human interaction. His notable creations, including DILF, KOREOEROTIKON, PSP, ЯTUCORA, SERIES, and LUMI, have been exhibited and performed at prestigious festivals worldwide, such as ImPulsTanz, TanzImAugust, FIDQU, KONDENZ and CoFestival.
Marko uses his ability to narrate subtle, obscure stories to challenge traditional dance conventions focused on visibility, where movement is perceived, observed. For him, dance creates spaces that bring clarity, helping us recognize what is essential in the moment.
He works closely with STATION - Service for Contemporary Dance, promoting contemporary dance and the performing arts in Serbia and the region. He participated in the "WimmelResearch Fellowship" at Akademie Schloss Solitude, exploring the intersection of art and science.
Currently, he is developing Privatnost (Privacy), an immersive piece that explores dancing for oneself in a non-hierarchical way. The work involves collaboration with performers from diverse backgrounds, inviting them to engage with the idea that "to dance with someone is to share a journey; to dance for someone is to perform a destination."
Work presented at the Moving Balkans Showcase 2025: DILF